Another Note: This page would
not have been possible without the help of Dr. Ray Puffer and all the other
folks at the Edwards AFB history office, where they let me spend hours
going through their files on the XB-70, and showed me how to use the copy
machine (hey, I admit it, copy machines and me do NOT get along).
Eric Canale was kind enough to scan many of these
images from photographs.
Page 1
(550kb) ... Page 2
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(72kb) ... Page 3
Noseramp down
Noseramp up
Medium Image (16kb) ... Large
Image (76kb)
Front View ... Rear View ... Another Current Front
View ... Old side
view, nose elevated
Small Image (11kb) ...
large Image (91kb) ...
Cropped Large Image
Small Image (12kb) ...
Large Image (86kb)
Small/Cropped image
(33kb) ...
Large Image (214kb)
Small Image (14kb) ...
Large Image (281kb)
Small Image (16kb) ...
Large Image (25kb)
Small Image (8kb) ... Large Image
(28kb) ...
HUGE Image (216kb)
Small Image (10kb)... Large Image
(34kb) ... HUGE Image (131kb)
Image (16kb) ... Large Image
Image (9kb) .....
Large Image (53kb)
Small Image
(11kb) ... Large Image (87kb)
Image (12kb) .... Large Image
Image (21kb) ... Large Image
Three-view plans for the XB-70!
There are now two versions of these images... the large ones, and the
smaller versions, which also print out on a standard printer.
A black and white shot of Ship One from above. It's the only thing I've
gotten from Rockwell/North American Aviation.
Here's a grab from video of both aircraft together. The downside is that
you only see the necks of them. For the astute, notice that the underside
of Ship Two's nose is painted black. It also shows the differences in the
noseramp-up and noseramp-down positions.
Another grab from video, taken just after Ship One returned from its Mach 3
flight. I've circled the damage suffered to the leading edge -- It's not
highly visible, but it's the best I've seen of it.
This is a shot of an engineer checking for leaks within the fuel tanks.
Actually, they aren't tanks at all, but just sealed sections of the
aircraft. Consider, this gentleman is STANDING in this tank, and reaching
UP to the top seam. That's a big tank!
This is the gear extension sequence, show during
testing in late 1964 at North American's Palmdale facility. (These are all
roughly one size, large, and go in order 1 - 8.
Better views of the noseramp positions -- there's no real advantage to
viewing them at this size rather than what's on the page, but I thought I'd
put them here anyway.
AV/1 back on the ramp at North American's
Palmdale facility after flight number four, where too-thick paint had peeled
away from portions of the airframe.
Another odd item, the Soviet SU-100, which was blantantly a Soviet copy of
the XB-70. A kind reader sent me a copy of an article on the aircraft,
which has a rather interesting history -- most notable, it was one of the
first fly-by-wire aircraft (the Soviets simply avoiding the high-temperature
hydraulic issue entirely) (The Avro Arrow was appearently a FBW aircraft as
well -- thanks to Dan Garcia for pointing this out). It made a total of ten
flights, which a best speed of M1.4. It was to weigh somewhere around
225,000 pounds, and have about 140,000 pounds of thrust, to achieve Mach 3.
(Note the vastly higher thrust to weight ratio the Soviets figured they
needed!). I suspect that, without lowered wingtips to add stability, and
with the troubles of an early fly-by-wire system, at M1.4 it must have been
quite the white knuckle ride!
AV/1 taking off from North American's Palmdale
facility. I'm not sure if this was the first or fifth flight, the only
times Ship One flew out of Palmdale.
A decent NASA shot of AV/1 with wingtips at 65
degrees, with the noseramp down.
This is the closest pre-midair formation picture I've seen. (If anyone has
one that's better, I want it!). Notice how everyone has pulled in
dramatically, and Joe Walker's F-104 has pulled forward of the wingtip, so
Walker is using the side of Valkyrie to judge his position. I've done a
small, large, and cropped image here.
This is a drawing in a USAF publication from early 1962 (meaning the sketch
was made even earlier). The short article listed lots of information, such
as speed, weight, and altitude as "classified." The drawing itself is a
good representation of the earliest design studies. Notice there's no
provision for wingtips. The elevons are shown as one-piece units, and there
are the dorsal strakes preceeding the vertical stabilizers. In addition, it
shows the nozzles projecting beyond the upper fuselage. A lot of these
characteristics carried into flight-pins, etc for the XB-70.
This is a picture of the right-side intake tunnel housing the #4,5, and 6
engines after Ship 1's horizontal splitter came off on the 12th flight, at a
speed of Mach 2.58. Because of detail, the small image here is actually a
cropped closeup, and the large image shows all 3 engines.
The #5 engine itself, which, although severly
damaged, was actually restarted during the final approach to privde some
thrust from the right side of the aircraft. This small image is also a
cropped closeup.
This is the letterhead which North American was using for all their press
and official releases, and I thought it was cool.
Possibly the cleanest shot in existence of Ship 2 inflight. At least,
it's the cleanest I've ever seen. Noseramp up, wingtips down, it highlights
everything that is so magical about the Valkyrie.
This photo was so stunning at the resolution we originally scanned it at
(something like 3000x2000) that I'm making all three versions available.
This is another photo from the formation prior to the midair. It's not the
ultimate photo as far as demonstrating the closeness of the formation
(that's a photo I haven't got scanned in yet), and the dark blue background
washed out to a black. I'll include the source scan (another big monster
JPG) in case someone can color-manipulate it a bit (although I'm afraid I
have to do that at the scan-point).
A very cool shot of Ship 1 on what I am fairly sure is it's first landing
(if anyone can prove or disprove, let me know). A very shallow, 1 degree
glide slope was used during landing (a typical airliner comes in a 2.5
percent, I believe, the Space Shuttle at around 22 percent). Angle of
attack was 9.5 degrees, and at 11 degrees, you'd bounce the nozzles off the
ground -- generally considered to be a "bad thing."
The remains of the horizontal splitter (it's that very apex of the delta
wing), from which, on Ship 1's 12th flight and at a speed of Mach 2.58, the honeycomb
"skin" broke away and drove through the
intakes, forcing the shutdown of 4 of the 6 engines (one was restarted for
the actual approach, all were destroyed beyond repair). The splitter was
replaced with a solid-framed unit after this.
Ship #2 making its first takeoff. You can see the dihedral very well in
this shot.
Both XB-70's on the ramp at Edwards. This is only the second picture I've
seen with them together, both are black and white, and both poor. I'm still
looking, though.
Here's a shot that really shows the size of the intakes. It's a couple of
guys sitting in the intakes going over some plans.
Well, that's all for now. I will probably get another couple of shots in
here before I get the new page done.